Stand-up comics think on their feet while engaging audiences.

Self-described “Air Force brat” Carlos Eton who had lived in various places relocated to
the U.S. Virgin Islands from New York City to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication, Art and Theatre from the University of the Virgin Islands.

“I needed to change the direction of my career and I knew I would have to give it two
years of my direct focus and not work-full time,” he said. “If I was going to do that, I
knew I had to go to a place that I like, which is the USVI that I visited a few times.”

Carlos Eton

Prior to enrolling at UVI, Eton had been a Leadership Trainer for a major
communications company in NYC, a small business owner, a stand-up comic, a public
speaker and a soft skills trainer.

Focusing on communications was a natural fit for Eton, who recognized the growing
need for people to be equipped with the skills and understanding gained through
earning a degree in communications.

He believes the key to successful communication is active listening, something that has
become a lost art.

“We just don’t listen to each other anymore,” noted Eton, who was one four UVI
students to attend the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention in
Las Vegas in the summer of 2022. “As you are trying to relate your message to
someone, they are focused on what their response is going to be, or they are thinking
about something else.”

Eton has high praise for UVI and its programs. “The University targets student
audiences and provides amazing services,” he stated.

“Digital Entrepreneurship taught by Professor Douglas Kelly prepares students to be
successful not only in entrepreneurial endeavors, but also in their professional lives. His
classes are amazing. Dr. Alexander Randall’s Communications Theory Course teaches
you real communications strategies and theories. Both courses should be mandatory for
every major,” said Eton, who was very active on campus.

He photographed events, made music videos and worked on the Caribbean Cinematic
and Arts Festival for two years.

Given his professional experience, Eton found it easy to see the connections between
theories learned in the classroom and their application to real-world situations. “Any
endeavor that involves dealing with communications strategies will automatically lend
itself to the use of improvisation and stand-up comedy. The whole point of a
Communications program is to eradicate miscommunication at every level,” he

Since 2017, Eton has released 15 CDs in various music genres. He also produces
music videos that he describes as “different”.

“Most music videos bore me because they are usually about how cool a person is,” Eton
said. “I want to make them fun. Taking the Brady Bunch motif and making that the gag
is one of my more popular ones.”

While Eton expects to return to the world of professional and soft skills training before
eventually resuming the management of creative teams, he remains unwavering in his
committed to ensuring that his creative and communications skills continue to enhance
every project he touches and to make a positive difference in the lives of those around
